Tattoo Removal Consultation

East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal is conveniently located at 2727 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 106 in Richmond's near West End. Your initial consultation has ZERO cost associated with it. The consultation will cover basic medical questions. The size, age, type of ink, color of ink, type of tattoo (home-made/professional), skin type, after care instructions and the removal process will all be discussed and any questions you have will be answered at the initial consultation. We will also discuss how many treatments may be necessary for fading or removal and the cost associated with each treatment.

laser tattoo removal richmond va


Is the laser specialist performing the procedure trained specifically in laser tattoo removal?

At East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal our staff has extensive training using laser tattoo removal lasers. The staff at our clinic are extremely well trained in laser operation, laser safety, and patient after-care.

Does the clinic have a certified laser specialist and laser safety officer on site?

At East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal our technicians have earned two important designations - Certified Laser Specialist and Laser Safety officer. Safety is important to us at East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal, and our Richmond tattoo removal patients are guaranteed a good experience because we take all necessary precautions. Our technicians also are certified in non-ablative tattoo removal.

Is the clinic using the correct laser for tattoo removal?

There are hundreds of different lasers manufactured for medical use today. At East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal we use a laser that is designed to do just one procedure - laser tattoo removal. Be wary of spas and medical practices that offer a variety of different laser procedures - they may be using the wrong laser for the procedure. As the leading provider of tattoo removal in Richmond, we use a laser designed for just tattoo removal.

Is the price right?

At East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal, we are committed to offering the best laser tattoo removal treatment at a reasonable price. Contact us to learn more about our pricing - you might be surprised at how affordable the procedure is! Avoid the "pricing per inch", we evaluate each tattoo by size, (very small, small, medium, and large) colors, quantity of ink and offer the pricing upfront with no number games.

Do you feel comfortable?

You are considering an outpatient medical treatment and risks are relatively low, but you want to make sure all your questions are answered. At East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal, we make it a priority to be available and upfront to both prospective and existing patients about the process you are about to undertake. Come in for a free consultation and make sure you get the information you need to make a solid decision about tattoo removal.